Wednesday, February 29, 2012

give away exam :))

lower part of page 2


<font face = "Curlz MT" size = "10" color = white><center>ITS ME! :)</center> </font></head>
<title> :) </title>
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<font face= "Comic Sans MS" size= "5" color= violet>
Hi ! <br/>
My name is Shennah Mae, an easy going fellow who loves to fool around, wears a ready smile for every living soul.. FRANK but TACTFUL ^^. I got a fine blend of feminine and boyish ways that will keep you wondering at times.
i am SILENT when not in the mood, but when the reverse thing happen, i may SOUND LIKE A BROKEN RECORD:) .. i love noise and i never stop talking unless someone tells me soo..
<br/> &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp
I am someone you might not like.. a lot hate me for being me .. well .. i do care about it . really .. but i guess they don't mind .. do they ? anyways .. this is me, accept me or not ..  i will still be the <b>"SHENNAH"</b> you have known :)
coz <b><strike>I'M NOT A PERFECT GIRL</strike></b>
<center>my hair doesn't always stay in place and i spill things a lot .. well .. i'm pretty :) , clumsy and sometimes i have a broken heart ... </center><br/>
My friends and i sometimes fight and maybe days nothing go right , but then when i think of it and take a step back .. i remember how amazing life truly is --
Life is so wonderful. If you just learned to appreciate every little thing that happens to you, even problems become blessings. :)<br/>
<i>Hindi ako nagtatanim ng galit, pero subukan mo ako dahil marunong din ako nyan</i>. :)
I don't feel hating people lang kac,<b> angriness come and go</b>. Just don't push me to my limit. Okay? =)
I Forgive, and sometimes <strike>I also Forget. </strike> :)) <br/><br/><br/><br/>

hmmh.. what more should i say?<br/>
how about clicking this link to discover more in me??

<a href="giveawayexam2.html" target="newtab"><br/> gimme a post! </a></center> </font>



<head> gimme a post! :)</head>
<title> :) </title>

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<font face= "ravie" size= "3" color= white>
well, i was born on the year 0f the rooster, its 1993, sixth of september.<br/>
<--but that kid isn't me, its my younger brother, i just dont have my cute baby picture :D
<--now here's my two lovely sisters with me <img src="c.jpg" align= left widtH= 200 height= 200>


well, i am not a party girl,<br/> but i am not also kill joy,<br/> i also go out with my friends..
<img src= "k.jpg" width= 450 height= 400> <img src= "g.jpg" align = right width= 450 height= 400>


and when the boredom strikes? im doin this :DDD <br/><br/>
<img src= "y.jpg" align= left width= 250 height= 200


<img src= "y3.jpg" align= left width= 250 height= 200>

<img src= "y2.jpg" align= left width= 250 height= 200>

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:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
:) :) :) :):) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


<font face= "Kristen ITC" size= "4" color= white>

what about my spiritual aspects in life???<br/>

well i am a jehovah's witness :))<br/> and those pictures on the right were taken during the last circuit assembly..

<img src= "c1.jpg" align= right width= 400 height= 300>
<img src= "d.jpg" align= right width= 400 height= 300>
<img src= "e.jpg" align= right width= 400 height= 300>


<font face = "chiller" size = "8" color= white>
<p> lovelife as in having a boyfriend is like fifty without five. haha!
i was thinking to post the picture of my crush here, but.. getting his picture w/o his permission is just like "stalking"..
i dont wanna stalk! i dont wanna be a stalker! haha! so. let me finish with this quote, this isnt about my crush anyaway. this is another story :) alright, it goes this way:<br/> <br/>
<font face= "tahoma" size ="6" color= white>

 ***JAH BLESS!*** </center>

Tuesday, February 07, 2012


Network devices are components used to connect computers or other electronic devices together so that they can share files or resources like printers or fax machines.
 The following are some of the devices used in networking:

     Gateways are devices which connect two are more networks that use different protocols. They are similar in function to routes but they are more powerful and intelligent devices. A gateway can actually convert data so that network with an application on a computers on the other side of the gateway e.g a get way can receive email messages in one format in convert them into another format. Gateway can operate at all seven layer of OSI model. Since Gateway perform data conversion so they are slower in speed and very expensive devices.



Routers are devices which connect two are more networks that use similar protocol. A router consists of hard ware and software. Hard ware can be a computer is specific device. Software consists of special management program that controls flow of data between networks.  Routers operate at a network layer of O.S.I model.Routers use logical and physical address to connect two or more logically separate network. They make this connection by organizing the large network into logical network segment (some times small sub network or sub nets). Each of these sub nets is given a logical address. Data is grouped into packets or block of data.Each packet in addition to having a physical device address, has a logical address. The network address allows routers to calculate more accurately and efficiently the path of the computer.


Repeaters are used within network to extend the length of communication.

Data process through transmission media in the farm of waves or signals. The transmission media weaken signals that move through it. The weakening of signal is called attenuation. If the data is to be transmitted beyond the maximum length of a communication media, signals have amplified. The devices that are used to amplify the signals are called repeaters. Repeaters work at the physical layer of OSI model. Repeaters are normally two ports boxes that connect two segments. As a signal comes in one port , it is Regenerated and send out to the other port. The signal is read as 1s and 0s. As 1s and 0s are transmitted, the noise can be cleaned out.



Bridges are used to connect similar network segments.

A bridge does not pass or signals it receives. When a bridge receive a signal , it determines its destination by looking at its destination and it sends the signals towards it. For example in a above figure a bridge has been used to join two network segments A AND B. When the bridge receives the signals it read address of both sender and receiver. If the sender is a computer in segment A and the receiver is also segment A, it would not pass the signals to the segments B. It will however pass signals if the sender is in one segment and the receiver in other segment. Bridge works at the data link layer of O.S.I model.

 the picture above is a media bridge.



The device that converts digital signals into analog signals and analog signals to digital signals is called Modem. The word modem stands for modulation and demodulation. The process of converting digital signals to analog signals is called modulation. The process of converting analog signals to digital signals is called demodulation. Modems are used with computers to transfer data from one computer to another computer through telephone lines.

Monday, February 06, 2012



LAN - Local Area Network
            LAN connects networking devices with in short spam of area, i.e. small offices, home, internet cafes etc. LAN uses TCP/IP network protocol for communication between computers. It is often but not always implemented as a single IP subnet. Since LAN is operated in short area so it can be control and administrate by single person or organization.

WAN - Wide Area Network
            As “word” Wide implies, WAN, wide area network cover large distance for communication between computers. The Internet itself is the biggest example of Wide area network, WAN, which is covering the entire earth. WAN is distributed collection of geographically LANs. A network connecting device router connects LANs to WANs. WAN used network protocols like ATM, X.25, and Frame Relay for long distance connectivity.

Wireless - Local Area Network
A LAN, local area network based on wireless network technology mostly referred as Wi-Fi. Unlike LAN, in   WLAN no wires are used, but radio signals are the medium for communication. Wireless network cards are required to be installed in the systems for accessing any wireless network around. Mostly wireless cards connect to wireless routers for communication among computers or accessing WAN, internet.

MAN - Metropolitan Area Network
This kind of network is not mostly used but it has its own importance for some government bodies and organizations on larger scale. MAN, metropolitan area network falls in middle of LAN and WAN, It covers large span of physical area than LAN but smaller than WAN, such as a city.

In computer networking, topology refers to the layout of connected devices. This article introduces the standard topologies of networking.

Network topologies are categorized into the following basic types:

1.       BUS topology
- uses a single backbone segment (length of cable) that all the hosts connect to directly. The idea is that is just like riding a bus. It has only one driver and many passengers who are riding.

2. RING topology
-connects one host to the next and the last host to the first. This creates a physical ring of cable.

3. STAR topology
– connects all cables to a central point of concentration. This point is usually a hub or switch. It has a focal point where all the resources are there.

4. MESH topology
– is used when there can be absolutely no break in communications. So as you can see in the graphic, each host has its connections to all other hosts. This also reflects the design of the internet which has multiple paths to any one location.


Wednesday, February 01, 2012

THE NET ( reaction paper)

     The movie is packed with mystery and suspense, as the story unfolds, you'll find yourself hooked until the very end, when Angela Binnet unravels the mystery and regains her life.
     It begins with the suicide of a government official. Then it shows a young woman who spends time playing computer games for profit, and dines on pizza and chocolate candy. Her life is solitary, communicating mainly through telephone lines. She is a well, a computer expert victimized by sinister cyberforces who steasl her identity for reasons unknown. It started with a package delivered enclosed with a diskette. As she enter the diskette, and begins running it, great danger also begin and entered her life.
     The story tells then how her identity can be stolen, and official records created, to make her a wanted criminal. She survives many attempts to kill her, but her close friend did not. All because of that diskette, which secret is slowly revealed. (Actually, the secret of the diskette is how a "bug" was installed into protection software to create a 'trap door' that can be used to allow a person to access any computer, and then browse, create, or modify the data.).
     Angela discovered that deliberately incorrect medical diagnosis was created to induce the suicide of that government official, and beyond all the dangers, she succeeds in sending the information to the FBI as well as turning th whole situation well.
     I like the abilty of Angela to easily read binary code, and in a matter of seconds, identify and isolate an absolutely new virus. Anyway, I can say that this movie has a lot of merit about how dangerous computers can be if they fall into dangerous hands. I mean, life can be possibly changed dramatically by just a simple computer hacker or even a simple diskette. We should at least care to have knowledge with it.