Wednesday, February 01, 2012

THE NET ( reaction paper)

     The movie is packed with mystery and suspense, as the story unfolds, you'll find yourself hooked until the very end, when Angela Binnet unravels the mystery and regains her life.
     It begins with the suicide of a government official. Then it shows a young woman who spends time playing computer games for profit, and dines on pizza and chocolate candy. Her life is solitary, communicating mainly through telephone lines. She is a well, a computer expert victimized by sinister cyberforces who steasl her identity for reasons unknown. It started with a package delivered enclosed with a diskette. As she enter the diskette, and begins running it, great danger also begin and entered her life.
     The story tells then how her identity can be stolen, and official records created, to make her a wanted criminal. She survives many attempts to kill her, but her close friend did not. All because of that diskette, which secret is slowly revealed. (Actually, the secret of the diskette is how a "bug" was installed into protection software to create a 'trap door' that can be used to allow a person to access any computer, and then browse, create, or modify the data.).
     Angela discovered that deliberately incorrect medical diagnosis was created to induce the suicide of that government official, and beyond all the dangers, she succeeds in sending the information to the FBI as well as turning th whole situation well.
     I like the abilty of Angela to easily read binary code, and in a matter of seconds, identify and isolate an absolutely new virus. Anyway, I can say that this movie has a lot of merit about how dangerous computers can be if they fall into dangerous hands. I mean, life can be possibly changed dramatically by just a simple computer hacker or even a simple diskette. We should at least care to have knowledge with it.

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